At times, I do question why did I choose to be part of healthcare professional in the first place. There is so much to learn and memorise. There is so much expectation from the public, expecting us to know everything once we qualified. I feel stupid everyday of not knowing loads of thing and of not understanding patient's concern due to language barrier (the Brits slang and the way they explain things always made me so confused!). I told Ukhti A about it. She said, I should be grateful because not everyone can carry this responsibility. Not everyone got the chance to help people. Once you graduated, you actually have the knowledge, it just time to put everything to practice. Its better to feel stupid rather than feeling you're so good because patients' problems changes everyday, so everyday is a new learning process. Most importantly, never ever study to fulfil the expectations of your tutor and others. Do it for Allah. Do it for the ummah. Heww, betulla tu. Tajdid niat bebanyak Nadhirah!